Helping your customers
just Tap & Go®

By choosing to accept Mastercard contactless payments, you’ll be helping your customers experience a faster way to pay, and enabling them to pay how they want to pay, in line with thousands of other retailers in the UK already embracing this technology.   In addition to the convenience it offers your customers, contactless payments have a number of benefits for retailers:

Faster transactions, increased turnover

  • Quicker than cash
  • Faster throughput at peak times
  • PIN not be required under the floor limit (currently £30)
  • No need to print, sign or handle paper receipts

Cash displacement

  • Potential reduced costs of cash handling, security and transportation costs

Reduced operational costs

  • Less equipment wear and tear (no contact)
  • Paper receipt not required for low-value payments unless requested by the customer

To start accepting contactless payments, speak to your acquiring bank today and join thousands of retailers and their customers globally already seeing the benefits of faster payments.