Mastercard Global Service
Get emergency assistance virtually anytime, anywhere and in any language. Mastercard Global Service helps you with reporting a lost or stolen card, obtaining an emergency card replacement or cash advance, finding an ATM location and answering questions on your account.
Zero Liability
You don't have to worry when you use your Mastercard credit card because it's covered by Zero Liability protection, whether you pay in a store, over the phone or online. As a Mastercard cardholder, you're not responsible in the event that someone makes unauthorised purchases with your card.*
World car rental programme
Drive away in the car that you want and enjoy complimentary elite status, upgrades and savings exclusively for World cardholders. Learn more
*The Nilson Report, February 2012. American Express is a registered trademark of the American Express Company.
*As a Mastercard credit cardholder, you will not be held responsible for unauthorised transactions if you have exercised reasonable care in safeguarding your card from loss or theft and you promptly reported any loss or theft of your card to your issuer. If these conditions are not met and you suspect that you have an unauthorised transaction on your Mastercard, contact your bank as other additional protections may apply.