"Give Me 5" drives gender equality around the world

Inclusion, opportunity and empowerment are global priorities at Mastercard. From our dynamic workplace to our products and solutions, we're furthering our commitment to gender equality around the world. 

Inspired by the United Nations' fifth Sustainable Development Goal, Give Me 5 addresses the work that Mastercard is doing for gender equality. The three pillars of the program include:

  • People – Creating a dynamic, engaged and balanced workplace globally 
  • Society – Driving an inclusive approach to business 
  • Market – Bringing balance and equal access to products and solutions
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Opening doors to inclusion

A mobile marketplace benefiting women

Created by Mastercard Labs for Financial Inclusion, 2KUZE enables farmers to run a more profitable business

Learn more about Mastercard Labs

Inspiring the next generation

See how our signature education program, Girls4Tech™, is encouraging careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

Learn more about our volunteerism

Why work here

Mastercard has been widely recognized for creating a satisfying work-life balance for our employees

Diversity is driving results

The demographics of our employees serves as a measurement of our progress toward a more diverse and inclusive company

Mastercard is proudly recognized by Gender Fair as a company that demonstrates real and substantial commitment to women’s equality as employees, consumers and citizens.